Tuesday, August 15, 2006

FDA Approves ProDisc II

They did it the FDA finally got their heads out of their butts and approved the ProDisc. A year ago Dr Delamarter called me at home and said I would be the first to know if it got approved before my surgery. I won’t be needing that call as I have my ProDisc and my life back. I hope that the rest of you suffering from back pain waiting for a ProDisc find the fix you have been looking for. Please come back and check in on me as I continue my recovery and celebrate how great it is to be Powered by Prodisc.

1 comment:

Backblog said...

Hi there I am waiting for two level ADR and have also been keeping a blog on my experiences with Degenerative Disc Disease. Here's the link, if you'd like to have a look.